Seat Backs – almost done

I decided to redo one part on the pilot’s seat because i enlarged a couple of rivet holes when i drilled out a handful of rivets. I re-ordered the part from Van’s. I can work on the canopy some more and also start on the wheelpants while waiting for the part.

I used the wrong size hinge for the seat base on the first seat back. Thus the reason for the re-do.

Meanwhile, Josh from SteinAir says they are starting the panel now and think it will take 30 to 45 days to complete.

Lycoming is still working during the virus shutdown, and think they are on track for early May.

Eight hours (2 people x 4 hours over two work sessions).

The Canopy Construction Begins

The canopy has a surprising number of parts. After spending a fair amount of time cutting, deburring and Alodining lots and lots of parts, I began the actual construction today.

The good news is that the parts have been going together relatively easily. The pre-drilled holes by Van’s have been spot on.

My riveting has gone from OK, to reasonably good. Once I got the feel of the rivet gun trigger, I mostly have had very good rivets. Well OK, I have put smiles into a couple of them, but luckily they will be in places where no one can see them.

Six hours.

As you will see in a future post, I have the stiffener wrong in this picture. It goes inside of the top skin.

Inventorying the Finish Kit

Uggh! What a tedious task. I have been at it for about eight hours (mostly in the evening). So many bolts, nuts, washers, nut plates… I am almost done, I think.

I honestly can’t figure out where a lot of this stuff will go. There are crazy amounts of very tiny nuts that I simply can’t envision where they will be used.

The Finish Kit has Arrived

I picked it up at the ABF freight terminal this afternoon. No damage to the box. I found out that a friend of mine is the loading dock foreman there so he helped me get this BIG box onto the trailer (it just fit on the 5×10 U-Haul trailer). The only problem is that I had no way to unload it at the house other than to open it and remove all the parts. On perhaps the most windy day of the year I had packing paper flying everywhere.

Now the canopy and the back window plexi-glass are safely upstairs in the house where it is reasonably warm. The rest of the stuff is downstairs ready to be inventoried.

The shipping container ended it’s life at the county dump.

There were a few things on back order, but now I will be able to continue building for awhile.