It’s a Real Plane

It’s Thanksgiving (November 26th) and I flew the plane for the first time this morning.

The weather was very nice (9 mph cross wind).

I only flew .25 hours – just enough to check temps and pressures.

I need to adjust the idle – it idles too slowly.

I also have to fix the flaps up stop – the motor continues to run after they have gotten all the way to the top – until the VPX times out and stops them. Should be an easy fix.

Inspection is Tomorrow

I have been working hard to get ready for the inspection. It seems that I fix a couple more things then find one more thing to do.

Recent accomplishments:

– Tightened all the fittings firewall forward and in the wings and tail.

– Got engine idle speed and idle mixture set.

-Began work on the empennage fairing – a lot more work then you might think.

-Installed the firewall pass through fittings

-Worked on the canopy seals

-Installed the heat shield on the inside of the lower cowling

I did notice a very small leak in the passenger side brake pedals. I will need to remove the brake fluid, tighten some of the fittings and then add fluid back to the system. Hopefully only an hour of work for two people.

After multiple attempts to use micro-molex and molex connectors for the tail light, yaw trim and the sticks I have decided to try a different connector style called Deutch DTM. They look promising though a bit pricy ($20 per connector).